Karate Queensland held the first tournament for the year, the Queenlsnad Cup last weekend on the 13th February. This one day event is a warm up for competitors in the lead up to the State Titles to be held at the end of March.
Kansai Karate’s state level tournament squad have been training diligently over the last few months in preparation for the event. Working on additional training for tournament karate in addition to their regular karate training, as well as helping our developing squad with the tournament training as well.
The Queensland Cup was a great event for all of our athletes and we would like to wish congratulations to all of Kansai Karate athletes who competed.
We had some great performances and some good results.
We are also looking forward to having some of our Beginner Squad members at the State Titles next month.
Myself and Sensei Junko would like to extend our thanks again to all the parents, supporters and our coaches/officials
Results below.





Karate Queensland is the State Body affilaited to the Austrlaian Karate Federation (AKF) which runs our national karate events and recognised by the Australian Sports Commission (ASC) and Austrlian Instititue of Sport (AIS) and is the only karate body to be recongised by the Federal Government.
In turn the Australian Karate Federation is affilatted to the Oceania Karate Federation (OKF) and the World Karate Federation (WKF) the regional and peak bodies for Karate recognised by the International Olympic Committee (IOC).
Kansai Karate Academy and Kansai Karate Gold Coast have had a long relationship with sports karate in Australia and both myself and Sensei Stephen holding roles at a Natinoal level.